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Neuro Athletic Performance Coach
Verena Stroda

(Z-Health Movement Reeducation, Integration and Performance Specialist, Z-Health Exercise Therapy Specialist)


Verena Stroda is a Neuro Athletic Performance Coach and European trained and certified Physiotherapist with a keen understanding of what goes into a Championship performance in High Performance Sport. She has studied with leading experts in the field of Neurology as it relates to movement, sports, vision, injury and pain.


She is an accomplished Level 3 Track & Field Coach and has coached National and International athletes from the start of their careers to their heights winning Canadian National Championships and competing successfully at PanAm Games and World Championships.


Verena Stroda has earned her professional certificates in Manual Therapy, PNF (Proprioceptive Neuro-muscular Facilitation) Medical Exercise Training and many more. Her Neuro Athletic Coaching and Performance Center teaches individuals and athletes neuro drills to facilitate and stimulate brain areas to allow for a fluid and bio-mechanically sound movement pattern to improve performance and to re-integrate and rehab athletes after injuries.


Verena Stroda can be contacted by email for individual online coaching sessions and can be seen live on stage at conferences and clinics across the country. Her attentive and profound professional approach caters to the ambitious amateur and pro athletes as well to the discerned wellness client. 



Neuro Athletics Performance Coaching is different. In traditional movement training we usually focus on the movement itself to create an improvement - asking our athletes to "sit taller" on the horse, to "rotate more" in the golf swing, to "activate more" glutes during the start out of the blocks. 


All of that is not wrong - but from a neuro and brain based perspective it misses one important point: It is really our brains that create every move and determine the outcome (the level of performance)! And on top of that: most of that outcome is regulated reflexively (on an unconscious level): only about 10% of the brain's activity that goes into creating a movement (for example that golf swing) is dedicated to the voluntary movement and muscle activity and the other 90% go towards reflexive activities like keeping our balance against gravity. This means that traditional movement training usually only taps into 10% of brain activity!


In Neuro Athletic Coaching we start using neuroscience to tap into this new paradigm in performance.


As we realize that the OUTPUT (the quality of the movement) is a creation by the brain and the brain can only base it's creation on  the INPUT it receives from it's senses, it becomes clear that the OUTPUT can only be as good as the INPUT!

Bad input will not only show itself as bad posture and bad movement execution, but also as weakness, bad flexibility, migraines, dizziness, motion sickness, injuries, pain etc..


If we don't improve and maybe even completely change the input, we cannot expect optimal OUTPUT. The OUTPUT can only be as good as the INPUT.


In Neuro Athletics Coaching we focus on improving the INPUT to the brain by training our vision, vestibular and proprioceptive systems.


These three systems (besides our enteroceptive system which regulates our hear rate, breathing etc.) play the most important role with respect to our survival and the creation of movement.


Neuro Athletic Coaching detects weaknesses in these three systems and then improves their efficiency and integration to allow you to reach new levels of performance.


Ultimately NEURO ATHLETIC COACHING will improve your strength, posture, flexibility and coordination by training smarter and not harder.

“There’s acceleration training, there’s speed training, there’s plyometrics—a lot of options in the physical space. They’ve been maxed out. ...The sensory cognition, that neuro, is the new frontier. This is really the next phase of human performance.” - Herb Yoo (Senaptec/Nike)

The 2022 schedule will be released soon!

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